Before I begin, I'm no fitnes guru or instructer, I'm just sharing my tips and experiences! I enjoy learning about other peoples healthy lifestyles and diets etc. because I find them benefitial and so thought I'd share my own.
Since after Christmas I have been very religious in getting up an extra 15 minutes early every day Mon-Fri getting in a quick daily toning workout. In a nutshell this consists of ab and butt exercises!
Iv noticed changes in the way I look aswell as feeling more awake and energised each morning.
The workout:
- Ab section
Sit ups x30
Side sit ups, 30 each side
Toe reaches x30
Plank for 60 seconds
-Butt section
Donkey tucks, 30 each side
Backwards leg extensions, 30 each side
Hip lifts x30
And then to finish, 30 standard squats.
Now to notice results, don't just assum this alone will make it happen because you are wrong unfortunately. I already lead quite an active lifestyle already with lots of cardio where I dance every day. However if you don't, I suggest thinking about ways you could change it to be more active, by joing the gym, going to Zumba classes or even just going jogging regularly?
I hope this is helpful at least a little to some and good luck!
Fleur x
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